Monday, December 31, 2012

IDM CC for Firefox 14,15,16,17,18,19,20

What is IDM CC?

Yes, IDM CC is add on in Mozilla Firefox. If you have updated your Firefox, you should update your IDM CC. If it is not, your idm cc will not running as before. 

by using idm your download will be faster than ever. To continue download using IDM you have install this add on in your Firefox. 

By install this add on your Firefox your IDM will be compatible with your new Firefox

Photoshop CS 6 Full Crack

Photoshop is the most popular software which can edit pictures. For you who like to edit photo may be this Photoshop is the right one for you. 

In this download link full with crack so do not worry about the crack...
So please enjoy...

How to activated Photoshop CS 6

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Corel Draw X2, X3, X4, X5, X6 Portable

Who do not know about this software? This is one of the popular software in this world. 

Corel Draw is software design, every Version of corel draw has special tool. And now the highest Corel Draw Is Corel Draw X6. But do not worry, If you want to download the previous version, I also Provide link download for the previous verison

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Ms Office 2013 Pro Plus Free With Activator

Ms office now release the newest Office, that is Ms Office 2013. If you want to use it, you can download it here. This Office is full with activator. 

You must be know what Ms Office is. If you interest with this version of Office, let's download it. 

In Ms Office 2013, it has many different look with office 2010. In this version Office uses white backgrounds that good in everywhere, and the net effect is less clutter. This version of office also be designed to be easier to use for user, So do not worry about the new version of Ms Office 2013

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Download Driver Identifier Free

DRIVER IDENTIFIER is very good for you who in this time are searching the driver for your computer or maybe your laptop. Sometimes we difficult to search the suitable driver for our computer, but with this DRIVER IDENTIFIER you do not worry about that. All you need is just install DRIVER IDENTIFIER on your PC and all of the components of your computer will be shown like the picture below. When you want to search the driver, you just click on the right mouse and directly this DRIVER IDENTIFIER will show you the web of driver provider.

I found this software when I was searching driver for windows 8 in my computer, after searching on the internet, Finally I found DRIVER IDENTIFIER. And my computer have installed driver by this software. It works and tested by me.

Monday, September 10, 2012

How To End the lesson

If you are a good teacher, you should know how to end the lesson well. As usually if a teacher want to end the class they will informing about the homework or something else. The good teacher will end the lesson by:

1. ending the lesson

The best way to end a lesson is to give students some kind of review activity, so that they may see the progress they've made in just one lesson. One of the most common and easiest to implement is simply taking the last 5 minutes of class to ask your students, “What have you learned today?” Notice, here, that you’re not the one telling them what they’ve learned. They may give you a list of new words, or say they learned to speak about what they did in the past or what they will do in the future, etc

Right before the last 5 minutes of class you can have some sort of performance activity, for instance a role play. Usually we don’t correct students during the role play so we don’t interrupt the flow, but when they’re done you can end the class with corrections of words or expressions they used incorrectly; things they forgot to say, etc…and your students will go home with these corrections fresh on their minds. Students may also give their opinion or feedback on their classmates’ performance.

Another great way to end your class is by asking your students to share whatever it is that you worked on that day: a fall collage; a painting; they may read something they’ve written. The important thing here is to give them a space to share something they've produced with the language elements they've learned. Even adult learners may read a letter or email they’ve written.

2. Informing homework

That is how to end the class or how to end the lesson in the class. 

How to Present the Lesson

If you want to present the lesson, you should use some skills below. If you use the skills below i believe that you can do the best to your students.

1. Questioning Skills
  • Factual Questioning
  • Interpretative Question
  • Evaluate Question

2. Thinking Skills 
  • Knowledge
  • Comprehension 
  • Application
  • Analysis
  • synthesis
  • Evaluation

3. Using media
  • Plugging on, plugging off
  • Checking the sound
  • Using the tape recorder
  • Listening activities
  • Operating the language laboratory

How To Open The Lesson In the Class

In this post I am going to share about how to open the lesson in the class well. First I am going to talk about:  Opening the lesson part 1:
  1. Greeting
  2. Asking student's condition
  3. Leading students to pray before start the lesson
  4. Waiting to Start 
  5. Self Introducing
  6. Roll-checking / registering
  7. Starting the lesson
  8. Asking about homework
  9. Asking about previous lesson
Opening the lesson part 2:
  1. Scaffolding talk
  2. Telling about what to learn
  3. Practicing how to write the topic of the lesson
  4. confirming lateness
You should open the class like the arrangement above. If you start the lesson without any scaffolding talk, your students will be shock because you just start the lesson directly.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Nursery Rhymes: Gundul-gundul pacul | Javanese song , Coffee and tea | English song, and Satu-satu | Indonesian song

Gundul gundul pacul-cul,
Nyunggi nyunggi wakul-kul,
Wakul ngglimpang segane dadi sak latar

A leader is not person who master all of thing, but the leader is the person who works for people in the country and make the people in peace. Many leaders feel that they felt a higher rank, so they abuse their position and proud of them self. The role of the leader is bringing the peoples mandate. If the leader abuses their position, so the people will be less. The resource which is symbolized by the rice will spill anywhere, and it can’t be distributed well. The leaders like this fail to lead their people.

Molly, my sister and I fell out
And what do you think it was all about?
She loved coffee and I loved tea
And that was the reason we couldn’t agree

This song has moral value that if a family doesn’t agree with the other, so the result is it will have a conflict between one to another

Mystery of Ghost Facebook

One day, there were two men who work in a Warnet. They usually open the social network like Facebook when they work. They didn't know that there was a scary woman ghost in their work place 

One night, when they were playing Facebook, they were joking about the ghost. They did not realize that they called the ghost in that place. They said in the joke that they would make an account on Facebook for the ghost. Suddenly, the high wind passed through the door. They had not known yet that the ghost in that place will come and approach to them. The door was closed by itself. When they looked at the door, the ghost appeared with a scary face. After that, the ghost disappeared by himself. 

Those guys were afraid with the ghostly appearance, but they had to come to their work place. In the next night, the ghost came and approach to them with the tears in her eyes.

They talked to the ghost bravely. They asked to the ghost what she wanted from them. The ghost said that she just want the prey from everyone in that place in order she can be happy in her world. Finally, the ghost did not come in the next night, and they can put their ease in the work place.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

What are Human Rights?

Human Right are literally, the rights that one has simply because one is human. This deceptively simple idea has profound social and political consequences.

Human Rights, because they rest on nothing more than being human, are universal, equal, and inalienable. They are held by all human beings, universally. One either is or is not human and thus has or does not have human rights, equally. And one can no more lose these rights than one can stop being a human being - no matter how inhuman the treatment one may suffer. One is entitled to human rights and is empowered by them.
Human Rights, being held by every person against the state and society, provide a framework for political organization and a standard of political legitimacy. In a context in which they are systematically denied, claims of human rights may be positively revolutionary. Even in societies where human rights are generally well respected, they provide constant pressure on governments to meet their standards.    

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dampak Perkembangan IPA dan Teknologi Terhadap Kehidupan Sosial

Dampak Perkembangan terhadap Transportasi

Penemuan roda memegang peranan penting dalam transportasi, kemudian lebih dipermudah lagi dengan digunakannya binatang penarik, mesin yang dapat menggerakkan roda, maka transportasi akan lebih mudah dan cepat. 

Cara Mudah Posting Script di Blog

wah baru saja saya coba pposting di blog ini. ceritanya mau posting script helikopter di blog eh malah jadinya gak script tapi langsung jadi helikopter yang terbang di blog wakakakakakak

jadi caranya kayak gini sob
2. masukan script yang ingin dipasang di sana
3. lalu klik encode

Cara Mudah Membuat Animasi Helikopter di blog

helikopter terbang di pojokan blog gampang sob buatnya tinggal copas aja ni script di bawah :

<div style="bottom: 0px; height: 130px; left: 10px; position: fixed; width: 110px;">
<a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="" title="Click to get more." /></a><small></small>
<center><small><a href="" target="_blank">Widget Animasi</a></small></center></div>

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Cara Membuat Judul Blog Berjalan Di tab Blog

Cara membuat tulisan judul blog berjalan di tab blog
langsung saja sob ikuti perintah dibawah ini

  1. Login ke blogger
  2. Klik Rancangan
  3. Klik Edit HTML
  4. Kemudian letakkan kode berikut tepat dibawah kode   

//msg = "Text berjalan 2";
msg = "Text berjalan 1" + msg;pos = 0;
function scrollMSG() {
document.title = msg.substring(pos, msg.length) + msg.substring(0, pos); pos++;
if (pos > msg.length) pos = 0
    5.  simpan templat
    6.  sekarang bisa di lihat hasilnya kayak apa sob...
Semoga bermanfaat...

Cara Membuat Iframe dengan Mudah

Tadi sempet bingung membuat iframe, tapi akhirnya bisa juga sob. tyernyata sangat mudah banget yuk langsung check out Ke TKP
Kode yang kita gunakan adalah:
Sedang astribut yang biasa di pakai adalah:


FRAMEBORDER="garis batas"




SRC="alamat url yang akan di tampilkan

Dan kodenya sbb:

Dalil Bela Negara

Kemaren dapet tugas dari dosen, saya disuruh mencari dalil bela negara, cari mudahnya aja saya gogling dapet seperti yang di bawah ini. maap kalau ada salah, tapi kayaknya ya sudah bener... ^_^
  1. Sesungguhnya bagi kaum Saba' ada tanda (kekuasaan Tuhan) di tempat kediaman mereka Yaitu dua buah kebun di sebelah kanan dan di sebelah kiri. (kepada mereka dikatakan): "Makanlah olehmu dari rezki yang (dianugerahkan) Tuhanmu dan bersyukurlah kamu kepada-Nya. (Negerimu) adalah negeri yang baik dan (Tuhanmu) adalah Tuhan yang Maha Pengampun".(qs. Saba:15)
  2.  Dia berkata: "Sesungguhnya raja-raja apabila memasuki suatu negeri, niscaya mereka membinasakannya, dan menjadikan penduduknya yang mulia Jadi hina; dan demikian pulalah yang akan mereka perbuat. (qs: an-naml:34)
  3. Sesungguhnya umatmu ini adalah umat yang satu (QS. Al anbiya’: 92)
  4. yang belum pernah dibangun (suatu kota) seperti itu, di negeri-negeri lain,(QS. Alfarj:8)
  5. Dan berpeganglah kamu semuanya kepada tali (agama) Allah, dan janganlah kamu bercerai berai, dan ingatlah akan nikmat Allah kepadamu ketika kamu dahulu (masa Jahiliyah) bermusuh-musuhan, Maka Allah mempersatukan hatimu, lalu menjadilah kamu Karena nikmat Allah, orang-orang yang bersaudara; dan kamu Telah berada di tepi jurang neraka, lalu Allah menyelamatkan kamu dari padanya. Demikianlah Allah menerangkan ayat-ayat-Nya kepadamu, agar kamu mendapat petunjuk”. 
  6. (QS. li Imran : 103)
  7. Hai orang-orang yang beriman apakah sebabnya apabila dikatakan kepada kamu, ‘Berangkatlah (untuk berperang) pada jalan Allah’, kamu merasa berat dan ingin tinggal di tempatmu? Apakah kamu puas dengan kehidupan di dunia sebagai ganti kehidupan di akhirat? Padahal kenikmatan hidup di dunia ini (dibanding dengan kehidupan) di akhirat hanyalah sedikit. Jika kamu tidak berangkat untuk berperang niscaya Allah akan menyiksa kamu dengan siksaan yang pedih dan digantinya (kamu) dengan kaum yang lain dan kamu tidak akan memberikan kemudaratan padaNya sedikitpun. Allah Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu.” (QS. al-Taubah : 38-39).

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Peningkatan Ketrampilan Menulis Karangan Deskripsi Melalui Teknik Menulis Terbimbing


Keterampilan menulis merupakan salah satu keterampilan berbahasa yang perlu dimiliki siswa yang sedang belajar mulai tingkat pendidikan dasar sampai dengan perguruan tinggi, yang bertujuan untuk mencapai keterampilan-keterampilan berbicara, mebaca, menyimak, dan menulis.

Dalam menulis karangan deskripsi penulis memindahkann kesan-kesanya, pengamatan, dan perasaanya kepada pembaca. Sasaran yang ingin dicapai penulis deskripsi adalah menciptakan daya khayal atau imajinasi pada pembaca, seolah-olah pembaca melihat sendiri objek secara keseluruhan seperti yang dialami secara fisik oleh penulisnya. Dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran keterampilan menulis karangan deskripsi ini, siswa masih menyimpang dari arah dan tujuan, itu terlihat ketika siswa menulis idea tau gagasan yang tidak logis dan tidak sistematis, sehingga hasilnya tidak memberikan penjelasan suatu pokok pikiran kepada pembaca.
Dalam hal ini guru diharapkan dapat membantu kesulitan siswa dalam menulis, seperti memahami struktur kalimat, pengembangan ide kalimat, serta penulisan kalimat yang tidak gramatikal menyebabkan pesan yang dikandungnya tidak jelas. Dengan demikian guru diwajibkan mampu memilih materi pelajaran, metode atau pendekatan yang dapat membantu peserta didk mencapai keberhasilan.

Dalam pelaksanaan pengajaran tersebut diperlukan teknik yang cocok untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis karangan deskripsi, yaitu dengan teknik menulis terbimbing. Adapun kelebihanya:

Friday, January 6, 2012

Additional Material For Reading 2

For Student in reading 3H
All of you can download additional material from sir yudhi here. Check this out

Download Material